“Cursillo De Cristiandad”; A Short Course in Christianity

Interested in Attending a Weekend?

4th Day Member?

Cursillo is not an organization. It is a worldwide lay movement within the Catholic Church.

The mission of the Cursillo is exactly the same as the Church’s - Evangelization! To help Christianize the world by living out what is Fundamental to Being a Christian in our everyday lives.

What is Cursillo?

“At a time when our people are pulled in so many directions; at a time when so many are seeking a deeper relationship with God; at a time when so many need good Christian friends to find strength and encouragement; Cursillo is well suited to meet those many needs.

— Most Reverend James V. Johnston Jr, DD, JCL, Bishop of Kansas City-St. Joseph


Sunday - September 8, 2024

E.H. Young Riverfront Park

1001 Argosy Parkway, Riverside, MO —- Shelter # 3

For ALL Cursillistas & family, and potential Candidates.

Begin at 10am, hopefully Mass at 11am, Eat at Noon —- Bring your own lawn chairs, games, sunscreen, drinks, etc, and a side dish or dessert for sharing. Paper Goods, Meat Entry, Water, Tea, & Lemonade will be provided.


Spiritual Warfare”

Open to all adult Catholics.

Saturday - January 25, 2025

9 am - 1:30 pm

St. Joseph Catholic Church

11311 Johnson Drive, Shawnee, KS

Registration Link available at - www.cursillokcks.com

Information Flyer Link - https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/vi3prn94jw8ckdeo6wq8q/2025-Cursillo-Winter-Retreat-Flyer.png?rlkey=byoa48rbptk3bsj3w5nsbarlf&dl=0