Fourth Day Community
Cursillo is more than just the "3 Day" Weekend. The real journey starts after the 3 Days, in your "4th Day", which is the rest of your life.
Do you want to keep alive the spirit, joy, and fervor of your weekend? Then commit to living out the Piety-Study-Action tripod of your Service and Group Reunion sheets - this is the Cursillo Method, this is how we persevere!
Use the information and links on this page to access some tools to assist you in continuing on your faith pilgrimage.

Sponsoring a Candidate
Make a Friend, Be a Friend, Bring a Friend to Christ.
Sponsoring a Candidate to Cursillo is a serious responsibility. It is not a haphazard circumstance; rather it should be a deliberate act to help bring Jesus Christ into the world. Obtain and study the Sponsor's Booklet, which is summarized below.
First - a Sponsor should understand the purpose of the Cursillo Movement. It is a Lay Movement (not an organization) of the Catholic Church to serve in the apostolate, and its mission is exactly the same as the Church's - Evangelization. To help Christianize the world.
Second - a Sponsor should have an understanding of the purpose of the Cursillo Weekend. It is not just for a "feel good" weekend. It is not a retreat, it is a three-fold Encounter with God: Ourselves, Christ, and Others. It is not a cure-all for personal problems; there are other programs for dealing with these issues. It is the first step in learning how to joyfully live out what is fundamental for being a Christian for the rest of one's life.
Third - get to know your Candidate, their life, and their family well; using the Cursillo method of make a friend, be a friend, and bring a friend to Christ. Remember to speak to God about the person before speaking to the person about God. Don't just tell them, but show them by the way you live your own life how to be a Christian.
Fourth - ensure your Candidate:
is a baptized, practicing Catholic,
is eligible to validly receive the Sacraments,
mature - can make rational decisions on their own, and free from obstacles that would hinder their participating in Group Reunion and Ultreya in their 4th Day. It is okay and encouraged to invite them to participate in Group Reunion and Ultreya prior to their Weekend.
Fifth - share with them the purpose of Cursillo and basic details of the Weekend, especially the perseverance method of Group Reunion and Ultreya. Remember that they will have their own encounter experience and it will not be exactly like yours. If the Candidate is married, also share information with their spouse. Cursillo is not meant to be a divisive factor in a marriage; rather it should be held in the highest regard. Give them the Cursillo: What Is It? booklet to read prior to attending the weekend.
Sixth - have the Candidate complete and sign their portion of the Candidate's Application form; complete your portion as Sponsor; then take it to their parish Priest for his signature (DO NOT leave this up to the Candidate!) taking the opportunity to discuss Cursillo with the Priest; and then submit the application per instructions on the form. Candidate Applications are to be submitted at least 2 weeks prior to the start of a Weekend, but sooner is better for planning purposes. Applications are accepted in the order received.
Seventh - during the weekend:
provide transportation for your Candidate to/from the Weekend,
provide any needed assistance to their family during their absence,
attend the Clausura (Closing), and
always offer Prayer and Sacrifice before, during, and after. Submit your Palanca online or mail it in.
Eighth - following the weekend provide 4th Day support by:
staying in close, personal contact (for at least 1 year) with the new Cursillista until they are stable on their own,
work with Postcursillo to ensure they get into a Group Reunion as soon as possible,
take them to Ultreya, and
involve them in some apostolic endeavors.
After reading and completing the necessary steps above on being a sponsor, please send the completed application to the appropriate address on the application.